A spout pouch is a preformed pouch in which a spout has been fitted. The spout and cap – available in many different sizes – enables the user to dose the product out of the pouch and close it after usage. Spout pouches are available in many different shapes, such as doypacks, flat pouches and quadroseal pouches in various sizes. Create your own personalized shape, size or execution with us. Even your own spout or connector to a dispenser can be made to fit your product and use.
Key benefits of the spout pouch:
Easy dosing / high user convenience
Available in mono-material
Low storage and transportation costs compared to other forms of packaging
High-quality printing
High material savings compared to other packaging forms
Examples for usage are drinking yoghurt, baby food and fruit puree, as well as baking mixes, sprinkles, energy drinks and sugar. Spout pouches are also suitable for non-food products including detergents, coolant, paint, shampoo, soaps and cosmetics. They can also be linked to dosing or dispensing systems both for food and non-food.
The flexible nature of the spout pouch allows to user to “squeeze” even the last bit of product out of the packaging with just a little bit of effort, which means there will be less product to waste. By use of a barrier material the correct fit for product, process and shelf live can be achieved. Ask about the possibilities for your product.
Spout pouches are available in mono-material. These pouches can be made in many sizes, colours or with extras such as a handle. It is challenging to seal a spout/pouring cap onto a pouch made from mono-material. But thanks to our development process, we can offer this option for your product. A mono-material spouted pouch gives your packaging better recycling characteristics. Our pouches have been analysed by an external laboratory and are certified as up to 99% recyclable. The packaging also enables you to reduce the materials used by up to 65% compared to commonly used rigid (hard plastic) packaging. Pouches are also efficient in terms of volume, storage and transportation. This results in CO2 and costs reduction. Please contact us to discover the possibilities.